by Accent452023 | Oct 9, 2018 | Business, Taxes
If you are a business owner who is accustomed to treating clients to sporting events, golf getaways, concerts and the like, you were no doubt saddened by the part of the tax reform that passed last December that did away with the business-related deductions for...
by Accent452023 | Mar 20, 2018 | Taxes, Video & InfoGraphics
If you don’t file it by April 17, 2018 you forfeit any refund you have coming. Give us a call to discuss your options. You can reach Scott Nissen at (360) 671-0700 , or fill out the contact form below.
by Accent452023 | Oct 31, 2017 | Business, Taxes
Section 179 expensing can be a very powerful tax-planning tool for small- and medium-sized businesses acquiring capital assets. While it doesn’t change the amount of depreciation you can take over the life of capital purchase, it can change the timing by...
by Accent452023 | Oct 10, 2017 | Business, Taxes
Though the markets have been up strongly this year, your investment portfolio may have a few lemons in it. By using the tax strategy of tax-loss harvesting, you may be able to turn those lemons into lemonade. Here are some tips: Tip #1: Separate short-term and...
by Accent452023 | Apr 5, 2017 | Business, Travel
There are many things that come in pairs because they make sense – peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, shoes – the list goes on and on. Travel insurance for business travel is no different. There are inevitable changes to business travel or circumstances that...